Sunday, April 19, 2009

New plants and replants

We planted some new letterboxes this evening - three microboxes at the park in the new Legends Crossing area in Waco. They're all on and use photo clues. None of the three have logbooks (if logbooks could fit, you'd need a microscope to read them!). We're hoping folks will log their finds on Atlasquest so we'll know who's been there. I have mixed feelings about logless boxes. They're certainly much easier on the planter and have less issues, but there's a sense of community in seeing the other boxers who've found a box before you (unless you're Gryzzled Gryphon, who I think is ALWAYS the first finder around these parts!). There was no way to even consider a logbook for these ultramicroboxes though. I also put a small F count on these three, which I also had mixed feelings about. I've always enjoyed new folks finding our boxes and having boxes to find in this area - an area that just a few years ago had very few boxes (three that I can think of when we started?). However, I've seen too many of our boxes not rehidden well (or not rehidden at all!). I guess boxers with high F counts can be careless too, but I hope that in making sure folks that look for these three have at least had a little bit of experience, maybe these won't go missing quickly. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this if you have a chance.

We also replanted two of our first boxes, the Waco Creek ones. Both of these had sustained considerable water damage to the logbooks. In fact, one finder left a note saying they had removed the logbook because it was damaged and were planning to mail it to us, though we never heard from them and were unable to track them down. Because this area is prone to a lot of moisture, we decided to replant without logbooks rather than just retire them completely. We did have to find a new location for the second Waco Creek microbox.

I had another Waco Creek addition to add tonight, but couldn't find a good place for it (even though I could have sworn I had a great place in mind the last time I checked!). I also carved a replacement for "Quiet Angel" which was one of my favorites that went missing a while back. It'll be in a different but nearby location so it can use part of the previous clues.

1 comment:

John and Diane said...

I don't think I've planted any boxes without logbooks yet although I've considered it many times, it gives you many more options. And as a finder, I enjoy the logbooks, but it doesn't bother me one bit not to find a logbook in a box. So I say go for it! And I share the same feelings about the F count restrictions - I think it's all you can do to hopefully weed out some of the more careless people.