Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Galveston August 2010

We just returned from Galveston and found Bell Motel's Bishop’s Palace (a beautiful stamp fitting of the beautiful building). we also found Silver Eagle’s Brown Bomber 2, which was really cool because we’d just seen several Brown Pelicans dive bombing before arriving at the letterbox, so it was extremely educational! 

I was afraid I wasn't going to survive Bishop’s Palace because of the amount of blood I was losing to mosquitos! I high-tailed it back to the car with the box to escape, but in the process, let a bunch of them in the car. so of course we rolled down the window to shoo them out, and as soon as the window was down, the automatic window motor died! ACCCK! we sped away with the LB hostage to a less mosquito populated location around the corner to stamp in and try and get the window back up. fortunately it stayed up for the trip back to Waco!  My recommendation if you’re looking for Brown Bomber 2, is to make sure and have a stick! while I didn’t see any, this location was a perfect place for snakes! :-)

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